Monday, March 25, 2013

The Power of the Crown.....4. Compete in the Mrs. Missouri pageant

From the time I signed up, to the start of the pageant weekend my idea of pageants changed dramatically.  I have never been “anti-pageant” but I never saw competing as something I would do.  I will admit that I am the worse critic of my appearance.  And a huge portion of the competition is about appearance.  But this bucket list was created for me to challenge myself, right?  I wanted to experience things that I had never done before and attempt to improve a little about myself in the process.  I can say with 100% confidence that competing in the Mrs. Missouri pageant did just that.   A lot can go into competing a pageant.  And I learned that it was really easy to fall into the idea of being a beauty queen….the perfect hair, the perfect body, the perfect walk, the perfect boobs.   It all can be extremely overwhelming and you can easily start to doubt yourself.   There were multiple times that I had to step back and say to myself I am doing this as “Abby” not as someone else.    I also gained a new appreciation for what it takes to win a crown.  Pageant participation is not cheap.  The Mrs. Missouri registration cost alone was $800.  That doesn’t include a gown, bathing suit, shoes, jewelry, mani/pedi, hair, make-up, spray tan, alterations, etc.  Before I dive into my weekend experience I have thank everyone who sponsored me as a contestant.  Your generous support allowed me to go into this weekend prepared to kick ass!

My amazing and supportive parents - Tom & Sue Byers
My best girl friends and volleyball team, Fire Breathing Rubber Duckies - Hayley, Jody, Kathy, Terri & Abby
The photographer extraordinaire Darbi Herbank of Darbi G. Photography
My waxing goddess Ashley Bransfield of Rosie Cheeked
Roger’s Green Hills Grocery
Anytime Fitness
The passionate Jack White fans of

I had a lot of fun this weekend.  I also meet a lot really nice people.  Pageant people are not all crazy, snobby and caddy as one might think.  Everyone I meet this weekend blew that stereotype out of the water.  As cliché as it may sound, I was really happy for the winner.    I will be honest; I was disappointed I didn’t even make the top 3.  Who doesn’t want to win???  But I walked away I winner in the end.  I was voted the People’s Choice!  The audience was given the opportunity to vote for the woman they wanted win.  It is fitting because I had the biggest & best cheering section and they all wanted me to be winner.  In the end, they are what matter most to me.  My friends and family are my rock.  It is fitting that one of my interviews questions was “What is one thing in life you couldn’t live without?”  My answer was my family & friends.  They fill my life with love and support that I will never take for granted.   Onto my adventure to complete #4 on my bucket list…..Compete in the Mrs. Missouri pageant.

1.  Start a blog
2. Go to the Presidential Inauguration / visit DC
3. Run a destination 1/2 Marathon

4. Compete in Mrs. Missouri pageant 
5. Eating a raw oyster
6. Ride a mechanical bull
7. Cook a traditional Thanksgiving dinner by myself
8. Shoot a gun/target shooting

9.  Go Mushroom hunting
10.  Learn to sew / make something I can wear
11. Visit a state I have never been to
12. Ride in a hot air balloon
13. Learn to play craps
14. Eat at Oklahoma Joe's BBQ
15. Complete one Pinterest craft project
16. Take a walking tour of a Civil War Battlefield
17. Learn to make a pie from scratch
18. Make Grandma's kolache cookies correctly
19. Take a shot of Jack Daniels

20. Take a cake decorating class and then decorate my own cake
21. Do at least one pull-up

22. Visit Graceland

23. Take a train ride/ weekend trip to Herman, Mo.

24. Make homemade pasta
25. Run a 8 min/mile 5K

26. Take ballet class from the KC Ballet

27.  Reach my Weight Watchers goal weight 
28.  Travel to Europe (NEW!!)



First up was orientation.  My lovely bestie, Hayley, let me borrow this cute dress!  First impressions are the best impressions. 

Next up, we took pictures in all of our competition wear.  As a first timer, I didn’t take much time to get all prettied up for the pictures.  I kept my hair the same and touched up my make-up only a little.  I think my pictures turned out pretty good.  They provided an adequate preview of me as a contestant.  I also found out that I had the same interview dress as Mrs. Topeka, Amy.  As mortifying as it may sound, we laughed about it and commented how we both had great taste. 

After dinner break we began to rehearse the opening number.   I can’t talk about the opening number without a big smile on my face.  I haven’t been part of choreographed dance since ballet class as a 5 year old.   I don’t laugh because it is a joke.  I laugh before it was fun to be a part of and it is an opening number….who wouldn’t smile about that?  I give giant props to the choreographer, Karen, because she had amazing poise and patience.  It takes a lot to handle a large group of girls who know little to nothing about dancing.  I felt ok about the practice at the end of the night.  I ran through it a couple more time in the hotel room before calling it a night. 

Sunday began the actual scoring portion of the competition.  My interview time was 10:00 am.  Justin and I woke up early and ate breakfast at the hotel.  I allowed myself plenty of time to get ready.  I even made time for last minute push-ups, lunges and planks. 

The interview went well in my opinion.  Once the pageant director explained how subjective the judging would be, I was a lot less nervous.  I felt the interview questions were good and that I answered well.  One goal in this experience was to improve my speaking skills and learn to sell my awesomeness.   The judges’ reactions to me seemed good but I will never know how they felt.  Does a small part me want to know….YES!   Only for constructive reasons, of course.  I walked away smiling and with a little more interview experience.  The type of experience that definitely translates to the real world. 

After the lunch break, we met up at the Missouri Theater for dress rehearsal.  I was to happy when I learned we would be able to walk through the whole show, clothes changes and all beforehand.  But by the end of the rehearsal I was definitely feeling stressed.  After spending so much time doing the same thing with the same people, I started to get antsy and annoyed.  BUT, I did not let it show.  We made to dinner break and I got a chance to get some fresh and air and take a break. 

During the dinner break I met up with my hairstylist, Kara Ames, at Edmond Street Parlor to get my hair did.  I also had Kristin & Hayley Renaud there to do my make-up.  I am so lucky to have so many talented and amazing women in my life.  I have a great hairstylist, esthetician, photographer, air-brush tanner and make-up artist!  And I can call each one of them my friends.  One might confuse me for a celebrity.  I definitely felt like one last night. 

Finally it was Showtime!  I was excited and nervous.  Everything moved so fast.  Once I finished my bathing suit walk, I felt great!  I even remember to walk with boobs and keep my butt out!  Of course as I walked up the stairs to start my evening gown walk, I tripped.  Luckily I didn’t fall face first and I caught myself.  It started my walk with a big cheesy smile.  Oh well, all part of the experience right? 

After evening gown I was at ease.  The judging was done and I had no control over the outcome.  I was hopeful that I would make the top 3, but I didn’t.  I wasn’t surprised at all by the winner, Mrs. Boothill, Kristy Kelley.  She is beautiful and graceful and a fabulous woman. 

 As I mention earlier, I won the People’s Choice and that meant more to me that the crown itself.  And I walked away with no regrets.  I had a lot of fun and meet some great women.  

I felt beautiful yesterday.  And to me that is what defines a beauty pageant.  The process requires one woman to win.  But the goal is to find and express your individual beauty.  Yesterday wasn’t my day to win and that is okay with me.  I wasn’t looking for the pageant to define me as a beautiful person.  I was looking a fun experience.  It gave me motivation to get fit.  In fact, I am in the best shape of my life and will blog about that soon.  I never expected the outpouring of support that I received throughout this process.  I cannot thank my family and friends enough for believing in me and actually thinking I could win this.  I cannot finish this post without thanking my husband, Justin.  I love you so much!  You always make me feel like a queen and I cannot imagine my life without you.  Thank you for supporting me and being apart of this journey.  I am lucky to spend everyday of my life with you.  

This is the end of the road for me as a pageant girl, maybe I will try again for the 40 by 40 bucket list.  Until then, I am hanging up my tiara and sash. 

Until next time….



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